The Power of the Outdoors virtual seminar, hosted by the European Network of Outdoor Sports (ENOS) and It’s Great Out There (IGOT) coalition
22nd October 2020, 14:00 – 16:00 CET.
Book your place here
- Yves les Lostèque, Head of the Sport Unit of DG EAC, European Commission
- Michael Beckman, Mayor of Winterberg, Germany
- Alba Godfrey, EuroHealthNet research policy officer , Belgium
- Andrew Denton, CEO Outdoor Industries Association , UK
- Melissa Desbois, Outdoor sports development strategist, France
- Eki Karlsson, CEO, Suomen Latu – The Outdoor Association of Finland
- Roland Farkas, Policy assistant, Sport Unit of DG EAC, European Commission
- Margo De Lange, Policy officer, It’s Great Out There Coalition, Belgium
- Mike Mc Clure, Chairman of the European Network of Outdoor Sports, UK