Today over 80 participants across Europe took part in the online Final Conference of the NGEurope Project, hosted by BioLiving in Portugal. During this Conference, the NGEurope team presented all available resources on the project’s websites that have been developed in the last three years. One of those resources is the Training Course Package that includes modules and exercises about entrepreneurship, leadership, NGO management tips, tools for creating NGOs and social ventures, among others.
This video shown for the first time at the conference outlines the background to the NGEurope project. This Erasmus+ project is all about empowering European citizens to take action on social and environmental issues through participation in NGO’s
7 partner organisations from five European countries (Austria, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain) worked together to create tools and supports to facilitate civic action and participation. The programme empowers individuals and leaders of community organisations to create new opportunities in their local area that will enable them to increase their impact in
protecting their local environment.
Leave No Trace Ireland are an active partner in the programme and engaged with individuals
and communities in 2019, interested in green and social entrepreneurship training, helping them
to develop their idea into a viable enterprise, which can act as a catalyst in creating social and
environmental change. For further information, please contact training@leavenotraceireland.
org or visit