Visitor Safety Group develop COVID-19 Recovery Planning Guidance

The Visitor Safety Group was created in 1997 to develop a consistent approach to visitor safety management. The members are committed to protecting and enhancing the natural and historic built environment whilst encouraging public access.

COVID-19 is a new hazard, but one that can be risk-assessed using their tried and tested methodologies. This means they can identify what control measures may help to reduce the risk to as low as is reasonably practicable. To produce this guidance, they have called upon the experience of their unrivalled
network of people who manage visitors day-by-day, year after year. They have been able
to draw lessons from the practical experience of their key member organisations throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland.

This guidance seeks to cover the key areas all landowners and countryside managers will need to consider and assess when re-opening and managing outdoor public access sites / attractions and associated indoor / enclosed spaces during COVID-19 restrictions.

This guidance should be underpinned by the regulations, guidance and advice from the relevant Government. The approach to lockdown and easing of restrictions differs in each jurisdiction .
