June is here, and we’re delighted to welcome it in with a weekend of glorious sunshine and the long weekend ahead. Hope is in the air that we’re beginning to see the back of Covid-19. Every week a few more restrictions ease and we embrace the freedom with vigour.

Unfortunately, with our newfound freedom and better weather, we’re also seeing an increase in impacts on our environment both in rural and urban areas. As we entered into June, we were greeted with video after video of litter discarded on the streets of our cities after ‘open-air parties’, and pictures of scarred earth from people wild camping and not using low-impact fire techniques. It was hard to stomach, but it has made us more determined than ever before to spread the Leave No Trace message.

We appreciate any support from you, our community, in spreading our message over the summer months. Please continue to tag us on social media on your litter picks and adventures!

Find out what is coming up for us this month in our June 2021 newsletter.