Trainer Network CPD #3: Ben Lawhon

This week the Leave No Trace Network of Accredited Trainers joined together online for the third in the Trainer CPD series.

The webinar ‘Communicating with Visitors in the Outdoors’ was delivered by Ben Lawhon, Senior Director of Research & Consulting, Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics and attended by a large representation of Accredited Trainers.

Ben shared his expertise and experience by delivering an interactive presentation focused on enhancing communication skills for new visitors to the outdoors. Effective communication, according to Ben, is key to breaking down barriers to opposition and providing a space for visitors to feel receptive to our message.

The Accredited Trainers got an overview of the most recent research in the US and how they can apply some of its findings to their communication with the visitor. Some of the key implications of the research is that when visitors understand how recommended practices are effective at reducing impacts, they may be more likely to practice Leave No Trace.

Ben spoke of the opportunities created for Leave No Trace with the increased numbers of people visiting the outdoors, how trainers can share their knowledge on how to reduce their impacts every time they visit the outdoor spaces. Ben reminded everyone that Leave No Trace is not about perfection but more about action.

Our next CPD will take place on 25 November. The guest speaker will be Colin Speedie from The WiSe Scheme. The Wise Scheme promotes responsible wildlife watching and Colin will be sharing some of his tips. If you would like to find out more about our trainer network, visit here